TRIO scholarship program
The TRIO scholarship program gives thousands of dollars in academic grants to members and their families each year. In the past 26 years, TRIO has awarded over 167 scholarships to students who are transplant candidates, recipients, donors or their family members. Each recipient receives $1,000 toward their education at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
2023 scholarships would not have been possible without the generous contributions of the following TRIO chapters:
San Francisco Bay
Kansas City
Ventura County
To learn more about the TRIO scholarship program, including:
Who can apply
The selection process
The scholarship award process
Contact information
TRIO scholarship program information
Who can apply?
Transplant recipients are not the only ones who are eligible to apply for a TRIO scholarship. As long as someone in the applicant’s family is a member of TRIO, and the applicant has some direct connection to transplantation (as recipient, living donor, donor family, or member of a family with at least one recipient), they meet the TRIO membership requirement. Obviously as part of the scholarship application process, anyone can also become a local chapter member or pay the $20 dues directly to the national office to become a TRIO member-at-large. Note: As a general rule for applying for TRIO membership, an applicant can still request to join as a TRIO member even if they cannot afford those dues.
In addition to being a TRIO member, the only other major requirements for an applicant are that he/she has maintained a 2.5 GPA in school, and that he/she has filled out and electronically submitted the full application accurately and completely before the program deadline - June 30th at midnight.
Note: see the application form available for downloading on TRIO’s website: under the menu item: RESOURCES
Selection process
The process of selecting TRIO scholarship winners goes as follows:
a committee of five people, each of whom reviews each eligible candidate’s scholarship application and grades each individual’s responses for each category
GPA, financial need, objectives/goals, honors/awards, extracurricular/volunteer activities, recommendations and how transplantation has affected them
a numbering system makes individual grading non-prejudicial. After all candidate applications are graded, the TRIO national office adds up the numbers each committee member has submitted then averages them to come up with a summary number for each applicant producing a ranked listing.
Using that list, the committee comes together via teleconference and comes to a conclusion as to who are the top candidates.
Then based on how much money has been donated will determine how many of the candidates can be awarded scholarships
Scholarship award process
Applicants are notified of the results with scholarship winners required
to acknowledge acceptance of the award and
to provide school information where the scholarship money will be sent
in the Fall, scholarship award monies are sent to each school directly
each winner is encouraged to send a thank you to their local chapter
For further questions contact the national office via e-mail: or phone: 1-813-800-TRIO(8746)